USPS rates updated on USPS and Canada Post Rate Cards
Posted by Jim DeLaHunt on 21 Apr 2011 at 05:49 pm | Tagged as: Canada, robobait, USA
Last January I got around to introducing my handy Canada Post and USPS postage rate quick reference card on this blog. On April 17th, 2011, the United States Postal Service put new, higher postage rates into effect. I’ve revised my rate cards to reflect the new USPS rates.
There were changes in all the destinations: Canada-bound mail, US domestic mail, and European mail. Interestingly, the rate structure changed also; that is, some price increments from one weight to another, which had been the same, became different. I had to tweak the formulæ in my spreadsheet. If you have rules of thumb about postage rates, be sure to double-check them.
My Canada Post and USPS Postage Rates project page,, will have links to download the latest charts as I update them. The spreadsheet source file for the charts is also there. Both are licensed CC-BY-SA, so please feel free to re-use and modify them (as long as you attribute my work and share your product as freely).