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Posted by Jim DeLaHunt on 31 Jul 2022 | Tagged as: Python, robobait, software engineering
I recently started a filing project. It requires labels printed on slips of paper, each with a name and ID number in nice big letters. I authored my labels in the SVG graphics format. But editing SVG files for each label is impractical, so I searched for a way to treat the SVG as a template, and fill it out with a spreadsheet of data. I found a ridiculously easy way to do it in Python — with only 9 lines of clever code.
Continue Reading »Posted by Jim DeLaHunt on 30 Jun 2022 | Tagged as: robobait, software engineering, technical support
A while ago, I was working on a software development project which kept several version branches active in its source code repository. Their team checked in changes rapidly, as I puttered away on my part of the code. I was swamped by the effort of pulling their changes, branch by branch. So I found one way to make it easier: the git worktree feature. I set up another way: the “big sister” repository. Let me describe them to you. Maybe it will help you with your projects.
Continue Reading »Posted by Jim DeLaHunt on 31 Mar 2022 | Tagged as: robobait, technical support
If you encounter a message, “warning: The macro 'AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' is obsolete
“, when running an script in a software project which uses GNU Autotools, I may be able to help you understand it. I encountered this message recently, when working on the Freeciv codebase. In short, this message misled me greatly. What it is really saying is that you should replace the macro name 'AC_PROG_LIBTOOL'
with the newer name 'LT_INIT'
. Because I had a hard time finding clear documentation, I wrote this blog post to be alternative documentation for others in this situation.
Posted by Jim DeLaHunt on 31 Aug 2021 | Tagged as: culture, politics, robobait, USA
Bless their heart, people in Texas have set up a pro-life whistleblower web site to try and persuade Texas to anonymously report each other for personal medical decisions about abortion.
These folks, “Texas Right to Life”, say they want to enforce the Texas Heartbeat Act, which claims to let people sue each other based on reports like this. This is the same faction which claims personal choice over a medical decision like wearing a mask or getting a shot to prevent unnecessary deaths, but then forbids choice when it comes to abortion.
The good news is, someone has set up a similarly-named, but good, web site: . Go to that web site to find out about detectable heartbeats and standard medical practice and why abortions should not be illegal. Maybe, some people looking for the snitch website will find the good website instead. Let’s hope the good website is the first result search engines return for a search like “report abortions in Texas” — and that the bad website is waaaay down in the search results.
But how internet search engines come up with the order of search results? By looking at what other web pages link to each website. My blog is small, but the links on these pages will help in their small way to push the good result up in the search results. Do you have a web site or blog? You could link to the good web site also.
Now, another thing people are doing is gumming up the bad web site with spurious reports. I won’t link to the bad site here, but it has the same URL as the good web site, except use “.com” instead of “.net”. You currently can’t connect to the bad site except from an internet address inside the USA. You can’t see the anonymous report form except from an internet address within Texas. But there (V) are (P) ways (N) to arrange to have a Texas internet address.
To fill out a report, have the following information: How do you think the law has been violated (500 chars), How did you obtain this evidence (200 chars), Clinic or Doctor this evidence relates to (20 chars), City (30 chars), State (30 chars), Zip (30 chars). You must answer, Are you currently elected to public office? with Yes or No, and check “I am not a robot”. Now, I read that many people are submitting reports with false information. I hope they are being careful. Sites with report forms like this can easily filter out clearly bogus reports (e.g. state is not Texas, or Zip does not match City, or it mentions someone famous who is not an abortionist). It is harder to filter out plausible-sounding reports. Some anti-abortionist will have to spend effort to check them out. The more effort they waste, the less this bad website helps them.
Of course, this being the internet, someone has made another website, , to have “fun” with the bad web site by automatically generating false reports and submitting them via your internet address. I found it interesting and worthwhile.
Search engines, hear my keywords, and raise up my links! Texas Heartbeat Act! Prolife Whistleblower Web site!
Posted by Jim DeLaHunt on 31 Jul 2021 | Tagged as: robobait, software engineering
I have been writing software for a long time. But every now and then I get flummoxed when my code misbehaves. It can take me a long time to figure out what is wrong. Often, it turns out to be a combination of basic mistakes which I have made, which remind me of some basic lessons in software engineering, which I didn’t realise that I was not applying. This happened to me recently. It is a story I call, “the exception”. Maybe, if I tell you the story, you can learn from my mistakes, and I can reinforce the lesson to myself.
I had been working on a set of command-line tools for a consulting client in recent years. The purpose of the tools is to take some input files, modify them in related ways, and write out the modified files. (This whole explanation is very simplified, to protect the client’s confidentiality, and to clarify the story.) Let’s say that I started off with a tool that would merge input file A and input file B, and write output file AB. Then as an experiment, I made a tool which would modify the contents of file B during the merge with A, and write output file ABʹ. I put this experiment away in a branch for quite a while. In the meantime, I extended the tool program so that it would take a directory D in place of file B, and merge file A with every file in D. So if D contained files D1, D2, D3, …, the tool merged and wrote AD1, AD2, AD3, etc.
The tools were a set of Python packages and modules. There was a module,, which was a command-line tool. There was also a package, modifiers, with four modules:, to do the basic work common to all tools; and, to do the specific work of the merge tool. There were also other modules for other modifications, represented by They don’t matter for this story. Finally, like every Python package, modifiers had an module to provide an interface that hides the internal structure of the package.
The code structure was something like this:
src/ # command-line program modifiers/ # package to do file modifications # package interface # basic work for all tools # specific work of merge tool # specific work another tool
There were some further details which matter to the story. Each of the modules in modifiers defined a class to do its work: Common to do the work for all tools, Merge to do the work of the merge tool, etc. Class Merge and other classes inherited from class Common. So, gathered and checked command-line arguments, including paths for the input and output files, then passed them to an instance of class Merge to do the work. Merge in turn did some preparation to express the work in terms of what Common could do, then called superclass methods in Common to complete the work.
merge also defined some exceptions, represented here by exception InputFileNotFound. If class Merge could not find one of the files given in its path arguments, it raised this exception. (Classes like Merge never interact with the user; their caller has that responsibility.) caught this specific exception, and printed out an appropriate error message, and continued with any further work it could do. also caught any other exception. It would be unexpected and the tool had to stop. printed a general error message and stopped.
Finally, there was a test module for almost every code module. The only one that matters for this story was, which had tests of running the entire command-line tool. One test was test_missing_file(), which ran the tool with a path to an intentionally-missing input file, and checked that the tool printed the correct error message. I didn’t notice at the time, but this test contained my first error, which I will discuss below.
Thus, in more detail, the structure of the code was like this:
src/ # command-line program imports InputFileNotFound from modifiers imports Merge from modifiers creates instance of class Merge calls Merge instance with file paths etc. handles InputFileNotFound, prints specific message handles any other exception, prints general message # tests merge_command overall test_missing_files() calls merge_command with path known to not exist confirms that merge_command raised exception checks error message against expected text modifiers/ # package to do file modifications # package interface imports Common from common imports Merge from merge imports InputFileNotFound from merge # more, but details don't matter for this story # basic work for all tools defines class Common # specific work of merge tool imports Common from modifiers defines class Merge, inherits from Common if file missing, raise InputFileNotFound defines InputFileNotFound # specific work another tool # details don't matter for this story
At first, only class Merge worked with paths to directories. Other classes in package modifiers worked with paths to individual files. But then I wanted other classes to work with paths to directories also. At that point, I decided to abstract out the parts of Merge which worked with directories and iterated through the files, into a new class Directories, which inherited from Common. I changed Merge to inherit from Directories instead. did not need to change, because package modifiers protected it from the details of the package implementation. This is normal object-oriented design and normal refactoring.
I copied into a new module, and began deleting the parts that were about merging rather than about directory handling. I now defined InputFileNotFound in I added new entries to to import class Directories and InputFileNotFound. I changed so that class Merge inherited from class Directories instead of class Common.
But as I created, I made my second mistake: I failed to delete the existing definition of InputFileNotFound in, and I failed to delete the import of InputFileNotFound in
However, all my tests passed. Particularly, test_missing_file() passed. Thus I knew that the command still printed the same error message, when a path it was given pointed to a file which did not exist.
At this point, the code looked something like this:
src/ # command-line program imports InputFileNotFound from modifiers imports Merge from modifiers creates instance of class Merge calls Merge instance with file paths etc. catches InputFileNotFound, specific message catches any other exception, prints general message # tests merge_command overall test_missing_files() calls merge_command with path known to not exist confirms that merge_command raised exception checks error message against expected text modifiers/ # package to do file modifications # package interface imports Common from common imports Directories from directories imports InputFileNotFound from directories imports Merge from merge imports InputFileNotFound from merge # mistake! # more, but details don't matter for this story # basic work for all tools defines class Common # directory handling for all tools imports Common from modifiers defines class Directories, inherits from Common if file missing, raise InputFileNotFound defines InputFileNotFound # specific work of merge tool imports Directories from modifiers defines class Merge, inherits from Directories # no use of InputFileNotFound any more defines InputFileNotFound # mistake! # specific work another tool # details don't matter for this story
The code stayed in this structure for quite a long time. I had made two mistakes, but I wasn’t aware of them. My tests passed. My client was satisfied.
But recently, my client asked for improvements to the tool. These involved bringing the old experiment, wrote output file ABʹ, up to date with the current code. Specifically, I merged the current code of the main branch into the old code of the experimental branch. A number of modules conflicted, as I had expected. Many of the conflicts had to do with directory handling, and class Directories. The experimental code predated this new class. I worked to resolve the conflicts. This involved looking at the main branch’s code, and the experimental code, and their differences, and deciding what to take from the main branch, what to take from the experimental branch, and what to rewrite to reconcile the two. I wanted to have one set of code on the experimental branch which preserved all the current behaviour of the tool, and also had the experimental behaviour.
As I was resolving these conflicts, I noticed that imported InputFileNotFound twice. The second import, from merge, was no longer correct. I deleted it. I then discovered the left-over definition of InputFileNotFound in, and deleted it also.
All of a sudden, the test, test_missing_file(), began failing. The output from was different than my reference expected text. I checked, carefully, for the edit when the problem arose. It arose when I merged the main code into the experimental. Perhaps I had made a mistake in merging the conflicts? But none of code for directories or missing files was in conflict, because it hadn’t existed in the experimental code. I ran in a debugger. The InputFileNotFound was raised, and handled, (apparently) as expected.
This kind of problem is confusing, frustrating, and demoralising for a developer. There is a temptation to run the same tests the same way several times, hoping for a different result. But that is insanity.
The way out of a problem like this is similar to the way out of a frozen lake after you have fallen through the ice: crawl gradually, remaining at a low level, testing assumptions, until on solid ground.
I read the exception handling in, and it was simple and very clear: there was code to handle an InputFileNotFound, and I could not see how it would fail. But then I used a debugger to step through the test_missing_file(), and was astonished. The Directories class raised an InputFileNotFound exception, as expected. The handler which should have handled the InputFileNotFound unexpectedly did not handle it. The general handler, to catch any other exception, handled it instead. When I examined the exception’s value, it looked just like an InputFileNotFound. But when I used the Python expression to see if it (ex
) was what it thought it was — isinstance(ex, InputFileNotFound)
— the answer was False
How could an InputFileNotFound exception not be an InputFileNotFound?
Eventually, the answer came to me. The name InputFileNotFound was defined twice: in, and an old left-over definition in The Directories class used the name in to create and raise the exception. The modifiers package interface in imported the name twice, the first time from directories, and the second time from merge. The second definition was what got when it imported the name from modifiers.
The InputFileNotFound handler in was matching against the exception defined in, rather than the correct one defined in Even though they had the same name, they referred to different classes. The Computer Science name for this is “aliasing”. When used correctly, it is wonderful. When used unintentionally, it has effects that are really, really confusing.
My first software engineering mistake was to not delete the old definitions in, and imports from, when I extracted the exception to If I had deleted the old definition, then the import in would have caused an error, and I would have known to remove it. When I finally did this cleanup, as part of the branch merge, then finally got the correct definition for its InputFileNotFound name.
But that means that had been handling exceptions wrong the whole time. How had the tests passed? Well, that was my second software engineering mistake. I implemented first, then wrote the test_missing_file() code to check that it always handled the exception the same way it did at first. I failed to check the nature of that handling for correctness. I failed to check for the InputFileNotFound handler’s “specific message”. Instead, I took the (incorrect) “general message” as the reference correct output. This is sloppy test writing.
Thus, the failing test test_missing_file() was the sign of a change in the code under test, all right, but it was a change from broken to working!
So, I learned about software engineering from that. My three lessons are:
Posted by Jim DeLaHunt on 28 May 2021 | Tagged as: robobait, software engineering, technical support
I use the LiClipse software development environment (IDE) for most of my software development. It is a distribution of the Eclipse Project IDE, with PyDev, and its own Java runtime environment (JRE), and some extras. I like it because I can, by installing more components, work with more software languages. Most of the time, one can update the various components of an Eclipse IDE using the internal “Check for Updates” function. However, my installation had reached the point where updating the components required upgrading the JRE. The documentation for the latter upgrade was inadequate. Here is what I figured out. It worked for me. I hope these instructions are helpful for others.
Continue Reading »Posted by Jim DeLaHunt on 30 Apr 2021 | Tagged as: robobait, software engineering, technical support, web technology
Well, that was a fright. I was editing a large report with the LibreOffice word processor. I had a table of results. It consisted of a placeholder table — a header and a couple of rows — with Table Styles applied to get the rows formatted right. I pasted in dozens of rows of content from a spreadsheet. I saved the file for the night. The next morning, I opened the document, and to my horror, found that text values in many of the columns had been turned to “0”. This is LibreOffice bug 131025. And here is how I recovered from the error, and got my table contents back. I hopes it helps others who encounter this bug.
Continue Reading »Posted by Jim DeLaHunt on 31 Mar 2021 | Tagged as: robobait, software engineering
I recently had a need to modify a large XML file by changing attributes of one kind of element — changing the value of a certain attribute, and deleting another attribute — while preserving everything else: element text, surrounding elements, etc. I did not readily find code for modifying an attribute value in my searches. Here is what worked for me. Perhaps it will be helpful for someone else.
Continue Reading »Posted by Jim DeLaHunt on 31 Jan 2021 | Tagged as: robobait, technical support
The .ODT word processor documents produced by LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice are in fact ZIP archives consisting of XML files, other files, and directories. It is actually straightforward to crack open the archive and get at the files and directories within. To edit the XML files, or just to explore them, XSL Transformations (XSLT) are a useful tool. This is a look at how to use XSLT and the xsltproc tool on XML files extracted from .ODT documents.
Continue Reading »Posted by Jim DeLaHunt on 31 Dec 2020 | Tagged as: robobait, technical support
The .ODT word processor documents produced by LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice are in fact ZIP archives consisting of XML files, other files, and directories. It is actually straightforward to crack open the archive and get at the files and directories within. This can be helpful for fixing bugs, or just for exploring. I recently had cause to do just that. Here is how to open up .ODT documents, and then turn those files and directories back into a document file.
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