December 2017
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Monthly Archive
Posted by Jim DeLaHunt on 26 Dec 2017 | Tagged as: robobait, software engineering, web technology
I was contributing to the FFmpeg project recently. They keep their source code in a Git repo, accessed via SSL. I had an awkward error message:
SSL reported: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
The problem was that my tool handling the SSL communication lacked the SSL certificate which validated the communication with the project. I could dismiss the error and proceed without validating the SSL security. The better solution was to supply the right SSL certificate to the communication tool, so that it could validate the SSL security with no awkwardness. Here’s how I accomplished that. This post is offered as search engine fodder, in hopes that others will benefit from these instructions. Continue Reading »
Posted by Jim DeLaHunt on 10 Dec 2017 | Tagged as: robobait, software engineering
LiClipse is the developers tool I use for writing Python code. Based on the Eclipse IDE, it accepts numerous plugins to support other programming languages like Java and C, and related tools, such as the Git version control system. Eclipse is mostly Java language code, and it runs on a JRE (Java Runtime Environment). Last month, I wanted to contribute code to a git repository which I accessed via HTTPS. That worked more smoothly if I could put an SSL certificate into the JRE, and I’ll skip the details of why for now.
So I looked up the Java Home of the JRE installed on my Mac OS X laptop (short answer: it’s the path output by running /usr/libexec/java_home). I installed the SSL certificate there. It did not work. That was a sign that LiClipse did not use that JRE. Did it perhaps include its own JRE? After some investigation, I found out the answer: yes!
Here’s the explanation. I hope this helps others. Continue Reading »