With number 5 in my list of favourite musical contributions to the It Gets Better project, the contributions become much more ambitious artistically. It gets more and more satisfying to rewatch each video and remind myself why it is special.

My 86-year old mother has visited the It Gets Better project site, and so I hope you have too. Watch some of the over 10,000 videos contributed by people, from all walks of life, with a common theme: encouraging youth who are being bullied, and perhaps contemplating ending their lives, to believe that life gets better after high school — and that they too should stick around to see it happen.

Number 5 on my list is a song which narrates a short film, with a really marvellous story arc and inventive directing. Self-made new media song-and-dance man Todrick Hall wrote and performed the song. It speaks directly to the hurting queer heart. It has melancholy which acknowledges the pain, but it is also a catchy tune which points hopefully to the future where “it gets better”.  Continue Reading »